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The 2015 post Season - The Rockets Awards

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Rocket River, May 15, 2015.

  1. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I am proud of this team. No Matter what!!! I am a Happy Rocket Fan today.

    These are my The Houston Rockets 2015 Awards

    Sam Cassel Award
    goes to . . . .. . CAPELA!
    A young rookie playing out of his depth behind the vet
    Making a strong Contribution

    The Kenny Smith Award . . .. .

    Obviously THE JET
    The Jet gets the Jet award
    The wiley veteran that steadies the team and hits great shots

    The Vernon Maxwell Award goes to . ..
    CoWinners - Josh Smith and Trevor Ariza
    JS - Feast or Famine . . .you know he bringing the heart and grit
    TA - The Hardnose player that does not give up - Defensive Lockdown artist
    For the regular season Beverly would be added to this award

    The Robert Horry Award goes to . . . .
    being a little bit of everything
    A Glue Guy . .. Still a young Guy
    He would share this away with DMO for the regular season

    The Clyde Drexler Award goes to . . .and I had to think on this . .
    CoWinners- Corey Brewer and James HArden
    Puts his head down and just runs on the break - Corey Brewer
    The Scorer will to sacrifice for the team - James Harden

    The Mario Elie Award -
    Corey Brewer
    Grit and Grind journeyman that found a home.
    Puts daggers in the hearts of men
    (That Slam off the JS pass was indeed a Dagger in the clipper spirit)

    The Otis Thorpe Award goes to . . .
    Dwight Howard
    The Rebounding Machine!!! The Strong defensive Presense
    Unfortunate now great free throw shooter either :(

    The Olajuwon Award -

    Co Winners Dwight Howard and James Harden
    One is Defensive Olajuwon
    the other is Offensive Olajuwon

    The Rudy T Award
    well . .there is only one candidate. . . . ..

    This BY NO MEANS mean This season is over
    This is not being JUST HAPPY TO BE HERE
    It means I am energized and excited by this team

    This is FRICKING AWESOME feeling this morning

    Time to finish this series and head on to the next one

    Rocket River
    Just Connected the past with the present.

    had to get it out of my system . .. . too too energize on 4 hours sleep.
  2. Rocket2008

    Rocket2008 Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Awesome, especially Capela and Cassell, perfect photo of Capela with the bag ball dance in the sky :p

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