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Mueller: Letter to Barr says Summary, “Failed to Capture Context, Nature & Substance” of Report

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Deckard, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. havoc1

    havoc1 Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    It's amazing that y'all seem to think asserting that someone is wrong without actually interacting with their arguments somehow proves that they are wrong. For having such a strong position surely y'all have well thought out supporting reasons that aren't just parroting what the POTUS says on his twitter feed right?

    Serious question: How do y'all deal with the Trump campaign having a ridiculous amount of contact with Russians, as well as the expectation to benefit from that help, per the Mueller report? It may not have been shown to be a criminal act, but those contacts happened right? How can the investigation have been a "witch hunt" or a "Russian Hoax" if there was clearly substance behind the investigation starting?

    How do y'all deal with the President clearly trying to obstruct justice, per the Mueller report? And remember, there doesn't need to be an underlying crime in order for obstruction to have occurred as far as I understand.

    If y'all want to be taken seriously, y'all are going to have to interact with the actual information and not just repeat "No Collusion, No Obstruction, Total Exoneration." How do you come to this conclusion, using actual information from the Mueller report, not Barr or Trump's summaries?
    Deckard and dmoneybangbang like this.
  2. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Barr did his job well. My observation is many people on the right needed exactly that summary from Barr. It allows them to rationalize supporting both Muller's investigation, Mueller himself (to a point) and Trump. It's funny how people needed to see exactly what they want and when they get it, they shut down from furthering processing anything else. Done deal, next. Effective self censorship. It's also amazing to see some of these people then call out other for being in a echo-chamber, not recognizing their own self-made echo chamber.
    Deckard, AB, dmoneybangbang and 2 others like this.
  3. adoo

    adoo Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    u need to lift ur head from the sand.

    there are ~ 14 outstanding court cases branching out of the Mueller investigation

    in one of those court cases, the one in which his former fixer is going to jail for committing crimes at the direction of Trump,
    the dotard is a co-conspirator identified as "individual 1"
    #323 adoo, May 6, 2019
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  4. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    You keep thinking that. PLEASE. I would love for ALL Democrats to keep thinking that, and then wonder what happened in the election.

    Nor am I going to do your research for you. If you've gotten this far without understanding what is happening in your party, nothing I say is likely to change that...nor would I even want it to change. So, zero incentive to perform a task that has no benefit.

    It's not me creating the perfect storm...they're doing it themselves. I'm just the weatherman, reporting the weather. You don't like the report, fine, change the channel.
    TheresTheDagger likes this.
  5. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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  6. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    I second this....think it should be a major push by Trump. Tell the Dems to put up or shut up. Either impeach him, or stop talking about it. Either way...he wins. They'll never get an impeachment, polls show most are not in favor of it, which the Dems know, but if he really harped on it, they'd look weak for not following through.
    thumbs, cml750 and MojoMan like this.
  7. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Probably because it doesn't really matter...

    Let's look at it both ways:

    1. Take the letter at face value. It came out only shortly before Barr released the full report. What, then, is the relevance of the complaint in the letter? ie, if everyone already has access to the report, the summary becomes irrelevant, and everyone can read it and see for themselves. Mueller's issues therefore go away. So, what then was the purpose of the letter?

    Further taking it at face value, what the letter said is basically much ado about nothing. It boils down to 'your summary didn't contain the full nuance and context of the full report'. Well, duh. It's a summary. (which is all Barr was explaining.)

    2. So, given the above, why then release the letter if not for CYA? I was going to ask what other purpose it serves, but there actually is an answer to that. It serves, clearly, given the reaction, a political purpose. So, yes, probably not for CYA for Mueller. Rather, for political fodder for Democrats.
    cml750 likes this.
  8. thumbs

    thumbs Contributing Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Losing a leg was not emotionally distressing, but losing so much muscle mass while bedridden was. I am down to 145 pounds -- does that mean that other posters will call me a flyweight? I really must work on both wit and weight. Reformulating my old Republican breakfast club may help. I AM READY!

    First, Barr is a Bushie, which means he was uprooted from the Bush camp, which obviously has no love for Trump. I have a lot of friends in that camp and I've always had some love for the Bush dynasty. I think Trump chose Barr as an olive branch to them and because Barr is known as a straight arrow who can pierce the veil of Democratic dirty tricks and criminality in the Justice Department. Trump also knows that, if he or any of his crew broke or twisted any laws, Barr would go after them too.

    The next few weeks will put political junkies like us in a swoon. Personally, I can hardly wait for the Inspector General's report and I imagine you are waiting for the House attempt to jail Barr on contempt charges. Oh, the dueling grounds are so packed, we will have to set up brackets like NCAA basketball. :- )
    Deckard likes this.
  9. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Pot meet kettle. After how wrong you were about Brexit, maybe time to consider you are wrong about this too?
  10. biff17

    biff17 Member

    May 8, 2018
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    You can't do the research because the data is not there.

    i love that all republicans like you think that this is or will actually happening, you are just creating another boogeyman that will scare the electorate.

    What you keep ignoring is that the election was won on a razor thin margin and Trump is losing support instead of gaining more voters.
  11. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Barr being a Bushie doesn’t matter. Barr’s public view on executive power is well known and his squashing investigations like the Iran-Contra is what was important.

    Barr is your guy when you want to hide behind the law after you acted inappropriately.
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  12. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Normally, I would agree that a Republican associated with Bush (I assume you mean Bush 2) might be a plus compared to the remaining people surrounding trump, but there is nothing I’ve seen from Barr since his confirmation that makes me believe that. Laura Bush strongly condemned trump’s border policy separating children from their parents in a major American newspaper. The reason I post it here is for you to see that simply because someone is associated with George W. Bush, it doesn’t mean that they agree with some of trump’s policies. The reverse is also true. Never assume, thumbs.

    Who is more closely associated with Bush than Laura? Is she talking about Barr? Of course not. My point is that to assume that Barr is a good guy because he was in the Bush administration is giving Barr far too much credit. He has been caught lying numerous times about the Mueller Report and his conversations with Mueller, by phone and by letter. This isn’t made up, thumbs. It’s a fact. Here is the First Lady’s opinion piece where she strongly disagrees with trump’s border policy. It is highly unusual for a former First Lady to write something like this, as I’m sure you know.

    By Laura Bush
    June 17, 2018

    On Sunday, a day we as a nation set aside to honor fathers and the bonds of family, I was among the millions of Americans who watched images of children who have been torn from their parents. In the six weeks between April 19 and May 31, the Department of Homeland Security has sent nearly 2,000 children to mass detention centers or foster care. More than 100 of these children are younger than 4 years old. The reason for these separations is a zero-tolerance policy for their parents, who are accused of illegally crossing our borders.

    I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.

    Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the internment camps for U.S. citizens and noncitizens of Japanese descent during World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history. We also know that this treatment inflicts trauma; those who have been interned have been twice as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease or die prematurely than those who were not interned.

    Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation, on being the nation that sends humanitarian relief to places devastated by natural disasters or famine or war. We pride ourselves on believing that people should be seen for the content of their character, not the color of their skin. We pride ourselves on acceptance. If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite these detained children with their parents — and to stop separating parents and children in the first place.

    People on all sides agree that our immigration system isn’t working, but the injustice of zero tolerance is not the answer. I moved away from Washington almost a decade ago, but I know there are good people at all levels of government who can do better to fix this.

    Recently, Colleen Kraft, who heads the American Academy of Pediatrics, visited a shelter run by the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement. She reported that while there werebeds, toys, crayons, a playground and diaper changes, the people working at the shelter had been instructed not to pick up or touch the children to comfort them. Imagine not being able to pick up a child who is not yet out of diapers.

    Twenty-nine years ago, my mother-in-law, Barbara Bush, visited Grandma’s House, a home for children with HIV/AIDS in Washington. Back then, at the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis, the disease was a death sentence, and most babies born with it were considered “untouchables.” During her visit, Barbara — who was the first lady at the time — picked up a fussy, dying baby named Donovan and snuggled him against her shoulder to soothe him. My mother-in-law never viewed her embrace of that fragile child as courageous. She simply saw it as the right thing to do in a world that can be arbitrary, unkind and even cruel. She, who after the death of her 3-year-old daughter knew what it was to lose a child, believed that every child is deserving of human kindness, compassion and love.

    In 2018, can we not as a nation find a kinder, more compassionate and more moral answer to this current crisis? I, for one, believe we can.
    thumbs and havoc1 like this.
  13. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Nah, let’s just continue to drag Trump through the mud Benghazi style.

    Barr got the win for Trump when he declared #total exoneration despite the Report outlining how much of the media reporting was accurate when referring the Trump campaign’s behavior.

    Trump clearly used his power to obstruct an investigation into himself, not for the good of the country but for personal reasons.

    I know 100% if this Hillary, y’all would be screaming even louder than the Dems.
    RayRay10 and Deckard like this.
  14. thumbs

    thumbs Contributing Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    The core of our disagreement on Barr hinges on whether President Trump acted inappropriately. Mueller said he could find no collusion or obstruction that broke any laws. His legion of Hillary attorneys probably felt differently, especially Weinstein. Of course, you have to remember he was censured twice by the Supreme Court for withholding evidence in major cases.

    Let's see what Barr and the Inspector General do in the next few months before crying foul,
  15. thumbs

    thumbs Contributing Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Whew, the border is an entirely different issue.

    Let's stick to the Barr versus Collusion issue. We can revive my border thread and duel there. As I said, there are so many widely scattered issues, we have to focus on them one by one.

    I will point out that the remaining George, Laura and Jeb all cheered Barr's elevation to Attorney General again. How they feel now is unknown, at least to me.
    #335 thumbs, May 6, 2019
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
    Deckard likes this.
  16. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Another cop-out followed by another stupid cartoon. That’s the extent of your “research.”
    thumbs likes this.
  17. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Does inappropriately only refer to criminality? I mean it wasn’t illegal for Trump’s campaign to give campaign information to Russian linked individuals based on Mueller’s scope.

    Deleting communications needed for an investigation wasn’t considered illegal either by Mueller’s Report either.

    Was it appropriate for Trump to ask his White House counsel to lie for him, who then resigned immediately afterwards?
  18. thumbs

    thumbs Contributing Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    You must know nothing about Mueller's "team." At least 13 of them were Hillary attorneys -- big time Democrats who contributed serious money to Hillary's campaign. Some worked for the Clinton Foundation. Weinstein and Mueller both were censured by the Supreme Court for withholding evidence. (IMO, both should have been disbarred for their roles in sending innocent men to prison.) And yet, these Demcrats could not find enough evidence to bring charges,

    Doesn't it seem strange to you that Mueller and his team looked for Trump collusion with Russia and totally ignored all the Democratic ties to Russia? The Steel dossier was ordered and paid for by Hillary and the Democratic Party -- proven collusion ignored by Mueller and his team.
    #338 thumbs, May 6, 2019
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  19. TheresTheDagger

    May 20, 2010
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    Hillary had an illegal server with Top Secret docs stored on it that was hacked by foreign agents.
    Hillary destroyed evidence including 30,000 emails with bleach bit so they couldn't be recreated.
    Hillary destroyed evidence including blackberries and phones destroyed with hammers.
    Hillary was permitted to avoid a Grand Jury because of "lack of intent" when there were laws violated where intent is irrelevant.

    ANY lefty who is clamoring for Trump to be prosecuted (especially for obstruction) who can't produce a similar post here concerning Clinton is a hypocrite.
  20. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    So now we are moving the goalposts.... noted.

    You must know nothing about the White House..... all of them are GOPers...... big time GOPers who are invested in keeping Trump president. They even brought in Barr..... another fixer who specializes in cover ups (Iran Contra).

    So much conflict of interest....

    LOL. Just stop with that crap.

    Sure they did, just not charges against Trump regarding conspiracy.

    If you had read Mueller's Report..... you'd see the Trump campaign didn't cooperate with them.... deleted communications.... pleads of the fifth.... submitted written answers to questions.... lots of "i dont recalls".

    Not at all since the investigation was into Russia and Trump, and one with a narrow of scope.....

    Like I said.... we know that the Trump campaign had many communications and sharing of information with the Russians but it wasn't considered illegal per the Report.

    What's going on with the Uranium thing? Just any day now..... ? LOLOLOL

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