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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by deb4rockets, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    LOL, oh my god no Hartesnstein....lets fire the coach, has to be the most...ugh......god man none of you no anything about coaching, you just want change for the sake of change and its dumb. Jesus....no one has ever given a particularly good argument about why we should fire him and this is no different.
    D-rock likes this.
  2. don grahamleone

    don grahamleone Contributing Member

    Aug 11, 2001
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    Where again is the grass greener?
    D-rock and HP3 like this.
  3. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    They never have understood that, they'l be okay if we start taking mid range jumpers and playing Harty 30 minutes a game.
    BaselineFade and D-rock like this.
  4. kjayp

    kjayp Contributing Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Melo had to go in order to get Bzdelik to return - imo... Which was a priority since obviously MDA didnt have a clue on defense...
  5. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    You never agree with my opinions, and always find fault in what I say, so I won't bother. Why don't you tell me.
  6. kjayp

    kjayp Contributing Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Change for the sake of sake of change... I believe Tilman referred to it as 'trying to create excitement' ... lol
    "The one thing I believe you do in business, and you do in basketball, is you never sit still. You always keep it exciting." - TF regarding pulling the trigger on WB/CP3 trade...

    I know you've heard my arguments for getting rid of MDA....
    A) Overtaxing starters due to lack of developing the bench and trust issues... (Trez)
    B) He's a wuss who has no control - hence Harden and CP3 arguing about play style...
    C) Defensively inept...
    D) In game adjustments are non existent...
    E) Stubborn as all hell - regarding rotation, adjustments, etc...
    and I could go on...

    All of that isnt to say MDA doesnt have his attributes - he does... Overall, MDA is a good coach - but he's not a championship caliber coach because he refuses to correct his shortcomings. ...imo :)

    smp, HP3 and deb4rockets like this.
  7. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    LOL at you thinking your opinion is better. So were you against Hartenstein ever coming off the bench all those weeks? Do you like House and Tucker as our starting forwards playing 30 minutes a game going into the playoffs? Do you agree with running our veterans into the ground with minutes? Were you a Westbrook and Melo hater? Do you like small ball no defense take a million 3's approach, even when shots aren't falling? Do you love ISO? Do you think we have a problem with letting guys play lazy? Do you think we need some forwards with bigger wingspans and ones who can actually take initiative to drive it to the rim if they are afraid to take the 3, or are you fine with just throw it back to James?

    Just wondering. You seem to have a problem with me not liking MDA as our coach any more?
  8. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I know your reasons bro, I've always respected your reasoning. I've just felt I he could get us there, but I get why you dont think so. These other dudes...just panic and try to find a scapegoat when things go wrong.
    No I wasnt. I wanted Hartenstein to play more, Mike is being stubborn for not playing him. Yea I think PJ is just tired, he was like this last season too and then performed amazing in the playoffs like he always does. House....err....well we have no one else to give minutes too. We have no one else to give those minutes to so we have to play our vets...do you see how bad this roster is. Westbrook.....im not gonna discuss, i would rather have Paul but I beieve Westbrook has a higher ceiling and could get us there. Melo was bad for us, plain and simple....like very bad. Hes also a very bad defender and we'll be targeted in the POs if Portland even makes it. Small ball works, just gotta be the right situation. And yea....there isnt anything wrong with taking a lot of 3s. ISO has gotten a top offense every single year so yea Im fine with that too. Do we need a plan B....sure, but for the most part it works. No I dont like it when they play lazy, I think Mike should be blamed for that. This is a roster issue that Morey has to work out, not Dantoni.

    I have a problem because people blame literally every bad aspect of this team on Dantoni when thats far from the case. And people think if we get a new coach thats gonna make us a championship contender when its just not true.
  9. kjayp

    kjayp Contributing Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    You've hit the nail on the head - we need a plan B... and that aint gonna happen with MDA. He's king of 'we're just gonna play our game...' and 'I want us to take 50 3 pt attempts' - before even seeing what the defense is bringing... MDA makes his plans before the game - and then sits back and watches... Thats fine if you are the far superior team... but at a professional level, adjustments will be made and you need to change accordingly - which MDA does not do... can I get an amen from @J.R. lol

    As for that plan B... I've been saying for years that we needed a true power forward that could take the ball to the rim with authority... not someone thats gonna trash our spacing all game - but situational... times when the 3 ball aint falling and Harden aint getting the whistles on his drives... Someone that can play through contact and slam it down with 2 hands when we need a high % bucket...
    J.R. likes this.
  10. Remlap

    Remlap Member

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Easy to say, FIRE MDA!
    So, who's your replacement that's going to improve our team?
  11. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I mean.....The only time ive seen that ever really be a problem was against the Spurs and hoenstly we should have won that series. I definitely think he can wins us a championship, if we have the right pieces....But i get why you are skeptical.

    Again...thats a roster issue, and Morey has to pull a rabbit out of his hat hopefully sigh.
  12. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    kjay, we're just gonna play our game. We don't adjust to them, they adjust to us. We'll be fine.

    AMEN! ;)
    kjayp likes this.
  13. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    I don't think s new coach is gonna get us a championship. We need better forwards for that. We have plenty of depth at guards and Center. Morey needs to fix the lack of quality forwards. I don't believe MDA is to blame for all the problems, especially with this roster, but I don't believe he makes adjustments when plan A isn't working. There is no plan B, C, or D. It's the same style every game. Maybe we need a coach who won't put up with half a** effort. That would be a good change. Maybe a coach who is more defensive minded would be better.

    I just find it hard to believe he doesn't have any input or decision making involving how or why we lost all forwards to the bench level we have now If not, then I'm over Morey too. I don't think House is great on offense, and certainly isn't great at rebounding or playing defense. He's been bad to OK lately, but had some good games offensively this season. He has a lot of potential,.but I still think he is bench quality at best this year. Also, I want a starter with more than a 6'8" wingspan. Just saying. I miss Ariza.
  14. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    What if the Texans & Rockets swapped owners? :D
  15. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Generally our offense is great for us...top 3 in the league. All the top offenses play like us and it serves them well, it wins more games than it loses. Look at the Spurs and how many midrange jumpers they take...how has it worked for them? I do think we need more adjustments for our offense occasionally but I also think defense is the much bigger issue. And the defense is not on him, its on Turner. We need a better defensive coach tbh. Effort has never been a problem in the playoffs tbh but yea your right, Mike deserves blame for that.

    Again...thats a Tilman issue...Morey is under constraints...hopefully something happens at the deadline.
  16. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Hey, all I said is it would make people happy. I don't know who, but at this point I would vote Pop's long time assistant who is respected by many Spurs. That's Becky Hammon.
    Now that suggestion is sure to get the women haters hating....lol
  17. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    You make good points, but I just think we need some flexibility in our style to compensate for the poor shooting streaks. Fire away the 3's is yes, copied by many now. The problem is the quality of our 3 pt shooters. We rank pretty far down the list in % made.

    Oh, BTW, Tilman is definitely an issue. His cheap a** is killing our best chances for a championship roster.
    HP3 likes this.
  18. Remlap

    Remlap Member

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Let's be REALISTIC here. You started a thread calling for coach's head.

    1) She has 0 HC experience. So SHE's going to be an improvement?
    2) She's not even available is she?

    Careful what you wish for.
    People have short memories. Remember an interim coach named JB?
    BaselineFade likes this.
  19. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    And yet we are still a top 3 offense in the league, something to think about.
    BaselineFade and deb4rockets like this.
  20. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Contributing Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    Exactly! All we need to get to #1 is that quality forward who brings much more to the table each and every game.
    BaselineFade, kjayp and HP3 like this.

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